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Paws & Hearts

Stories of Love and Rescue

At the end of her rope

After starting her life on a chain, Jellybean suffered through a debilitating leg injury further complicated by infection from lack of medical care by her former owners!

This gal came to us when local neighborhood children found her lying in incredibly poor shape on the end of a chain. She had been injured over two weeks before on a fence, and the owner had neglected to take her to the vet. This small group of sweet young gentlemen came to her rescue.

We immediately recognized that their compassionate, quick actions saved her life. She had become lethargic and was in an immense amount of pain. The leg was seeping infection, and she was barely able to stand. Our vet, Dr. Michelle Crull, knew that we had to act quickly if we wanted to not only save her leg but her life. We know how fast untreated infections can become life threatening. We rushed into surgery to check out the extent of the damage. Jellybean’s limb lacked sensation, and the underlying tissue went deep with black decay. Unfortunately, it was too late for her leg. Amputation was her only option.

Dr. Crull was worried about her after such a rough surgery and offered to take her home to help her recover the first night! She had never known anything but a chain and dirt. The next morning, she woke up in a home for the first time. She met the resident dogs and cats, and they quickly assured her that she was in a safe place. Recovery happened rapidly once she started moving again! It didn’t hurt that she was living in a home with a pair of veterinarians!!

Then, it was time to start the search for her furever home! We called her foster parents to get post-recovery photos to display online and we got even better news! FOSTER FAIL!! They would be keeping her…forever!!