- 708 Petigru Dr., Pawleys Island, SC 29585
- (843) 237-7297
Helpful resources and information to aid in fostering an adult dog.
Promoting Your Foster
Once an animal is in your home, YOU become it’s biggest marketer! Take as many photos and videos that you can! Great photos, videos, and write ups can reach more people and save more lives! You can use our easy uploader below from your phone or computer!
Also, below is a link to a playlist of videos on how to take great photographs, videos, and positively market your foster pet to get them adopted quickly!
Facebook & Social Media
Facebook is another easy way for us to share the progress being made in your home with the outside world. Text messages are great but due to the number of fosters and messages it gets overwhelming.
All4Paws Foster group was created to bring everyone to one place for easy photo and bio collection and provide a community for our foster mentor to offer advice to others without being on our main page.
We also encourage you to share on your social media! You never know who you can reach that would never see our normal All4Paws content!! Please tag us @all4pawssc on Facebook, @all4pawspi on Instagram, and @adopta4p on Tiktok.
All adult dogs get a series of vaccines, flea prevention, dewormer, and heartworm prevention upon arrival at All4Paws. Adult dogs must be fixed before going to foster unless there is a special medical circumstance that prevents it.
Although some pets may require unique treatments or specialized care, these are the basic medical treatments we provide to all dogs.
Sometimes after going to foster, a dog will develop diarrhea from stress, begin coughing, or exhibit other symptoms of a disease. This scheduler can also be used for other preventative visits for the second vaccine, flea prevention, etc. Please use the medical scheduler below to make an appointment to see our medical team!

Behavior Expectations & Socialization for Adoption Success!
Video playlist to help assist with behavioral issues with your foster.

Supply Reorder
Please use the button below to let us know when you are low on supplies! Please try to plan on giving us at least 3 days notice before you are out.

What To do if you lose your foster dog!
Text the Emergency Contact (803) 360-1413 immediately – We can share with all of our followers, post to Lost Pets Pages in our area, and possibly send volunteers to aid in the search!
Adoption Appointments
When fostering a healthy adult dog, be prepared to drop off your foster dog for events every Saturday either at our facility or at an event. Our Adoption counselors will contact you during the week to let you know where we will be (normally Petco on Hwy 544) and what to expect! You are not required to stay, but you are more than welcome too! If you are available, we can also make appointments to meet your foster dog throughout the week. We take and review applications seven days of the week and will remain in contact as soon as we have an interested party.
Is someone you know interested in adopting your foster? Great! Just have them fill out our Adoption questionnaire and wait to hear from our adoption counselor! Once you get the ok from All4Paws, they can fill out the adoption form and adopt their new pet!
Adopting Your Foster Dog
If you want to adopt your foster dog, Congratulations – you’re a foster fail!! We call it “foster fail”, but it’s totally a win for dog and the human!
The adoption fee is still required and please let us know ASAP once you make your decision. We just don’t want another dog onsite to miss out on a home because they are waiting on a dog that is already in their “foster fail” forever home!
Welcome to the “Foster Fail” Club!!