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Feral Cats TNR

Do you feed or care for a community cat colony?

Spay or neuter them to help curb population!

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)/ Community Cat Program

Spay/Neuter/Rabies/Ear Tip & Chip $55

All4Paws Animal Rescue is excited to offer this program as it is essential to ensure the successful management of free-roaming cats in our community.
Clinic located next to All4Paws Rescue at 708 Petigru Drive, Pawleys Island, SC

We are very happy to provide TNR services for our community! If we are able to work together, we know that this will make a difference for our community cats.

TNR is a humane, non-lethal alternative to the trap-and-kill method of controlling cat populations. TNR is a management technique in which homeless, free-roaming (community) cats are humanely trapped, evaluated and sterilized by a licensed veterinarian, vaccinated against rabies, and then returned to their original habitat.

Studies have shown that in the long term, TNR lowers numbers of cats in the community more effectively than trap-and-kill.

There are many benefits of TNR.

Some residents fear that free-roaming cats are a threat to bird populations and therefore lethal means should be used to manage their numbers. Actually, TNR means fewer cats, which means fewer threats to birds. Other factors pose more serious threats to bird populations such as loss or degradation of habitat as a result of human development and agriculture.

Nip & Tuck Program Partners

Billy Brown

Coastal Appraisal Services, LLC

Tiffany Brown

Reliable Appraisal Services, LLC